Spring Box Giveaway

Is there anything better than the promise of Spring after such a long and chilly Winter? Down here in Cornwall, we seem to be having a bit of a wobbly (and wet) transition between the seasons, so I'm certainly making the most of every new green shoot in the garden and every fresh egg the chickens eventually decide to lay!

Are you talking about me?

So, in celebration of all this newness, I thought I might set up another giveaway to help ease us all into the new season. This time, however, instead of a hamper I've put together a little hay box filled with lots of pretty and practical Springtime treats to see you through until those hazy Summer months!

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment below telling me all about your favourite Springtime memory and then, if you haven't already, go ahead and like my page over on Facebook. Simple!

Side note- please make sure you do both! Last time, when I was running my Christmas Hamper giveaway, some entries (for potential winners) had to be deleted because they failed to follow the instructions properly!

The deadline for entering is 31/03/17.

Without further ado, let's go through what you could win!

Packed inside this little hay box, you will find:

* A packet of wildflower seeds to create your very own bee-friendly meadow
* A mini pack of sheep notelets
* A bar of Ginger and Lime Cornish chocolate
* A handmade, eau de nil Jane Hogben (a.k.a my favourite pottery ever) bunny mug
* and a mini, hand-tied bouquet of artificial Spring flowers

Isn't that the cutest?

I had such fun collecting all these Spring-themed bits and pieces from local shops and my favourite online craft stores. I'd love to make this into a regular giveaway competition where you could win a box of Cornish goodies with every change of season... I've already got a few ideas for Summer! If you're a fellow blogger armed with a few handy tips on how to run regular giveaways, I'd love to hear your thoughts (alongside your entry, of course) in the comments below!

For now, a few Terms and Conditions for this comp:

- This giveaway is open to UK entrants only (due to shipping costs!)
- Entrants under 18 must seek permission before entering
- Entry is via the Rafflecopter widget below
- One winner will be chosen at random through the Rafflecopter widget
- The product offered to you in the giveaway is free of charge and there is no purchase necessary
- The winner will be be contacted through either the email address or twitter handle provided
- If you win and are contacted, you will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be chosen
- The giveaway will run from 12:00 AM GMT 10/03/17 until 12:00 AM GMT 31/03/17
- All entries will be moderated and any duplicate, false or incomplete entries will be deleted
- All items are either brand new or handmade by myself + I cannot be held responsible for anything damaged in transit
- If you win, the box will be sent to you by Second Class postage

I really loved hearing about all your Christmassy memories last time I ran a giveaway, so I'm looking forward to reading your comments all about Spring! This competition is only running until the end of the month, so get those entries in quick... and good luck!

In the meantime,
All the love,

Sian x


  1. This is such a lovely giveaway, I especially love how cute that mug is! My favourite Springtime memory is that when I was younger we all used to go out to a farm trip for Easter to see all the baby lambs! We still always go out on trips around Easter, especially when the weather is sunny and bright and it's nice to see all the daffodils and blossom trees in bloom :)

    Kayleigh | anenthusiasmfor.blogspot.co.uk

  2. What a lovely idea for a giveaway! And that mug is the absolute cutest. My favourite springtime memory is a recent one but it's visiting Tintagel Castle with a group of friends last spring, telling them the story of how King Arthur was supposedly conceived there, while we explored the ruins in the warm April sunshine and the brisk sea winds! x

  3. How lovely :) My favourite Springtime memory is going to National Trust properties with my family to see the spring flowers - just love the fresh spring air!

  4. When I used to walk with my Mum to school & back every day I used to love looking at all the spring flowers coming out in people's gardens :) x

  5. Wow this is just the cutest loveliest box! Especially that mug, it's gorgeous! I love spring time as it's always a fresh feeling like everything is being replenished. It's also my birthday in April so it's always been my favourite time of year! I associate spring always with my two baby lambs I had as a young teenager - Horace and Stanley. They were orphaned as babies and I hand reared them and looking after them for years and years until they died of old age a little while ago. Seeing all the lambs in the fields now makes me think of them though! Alice xxx


  6. My favourite memory of spring is seeing all the flowers come out in my garden, particularly the snowdrops earlier this year. I am really really bad at gardening, but spring bulbs are great as they come back every year regardless! I love your blog! Thanks for the opportunity to win this amazing prize!
