A Couple of Days at Home

Working full-time means that, these days, I rarely get a chance to just put my feet up and reeelllaaaaxx- so that's exactly what I prioritised on the couple of days off I had this week! I slumped about, make-up free (gasp), in my favourite big jumper and took some time to catch up on all the bits and bobs that had fallen by the wayside during my working week. Here are some snaps from my time spent relaxin' to the max, If you'd like to see... xD

It was lovely to just enjoy the simple things and settle down on the sofa with a mug of tea and a few magazines :) I caught up with a few bits of admin and even started collating a bunch of ideas for my small business! The weather was unexpectedly gorgeous for a spell, so I also spent some time in the garden with Penny- who was delighted to see that the warmish weather appeared to have brought out the rabbits and the chickens too!

All in all, it was some well-needed time off from the world and I feel so refreshed and ready to roll again now that it's over!

What do you prioritise on your days off? Do you like to get out & about, or are you all about the spa day and Netflix life? :) Let me know in the comments!

In the meantime,
All the love,

Sian x



  1. I lie down in a darkened room and don't get up until I have to be an adult again hahaha! So jealous of all the gorgeous views you have down there!! xxxx

    1. Bahaha! Love this :) Having to be an adult is such a bummer...I vote we just revert to being kids again! Much better xD && yes, the views are magnificent down here, you'll have to come and see them for yourself sometime :)) xxxx
